Monday, December 28, 2020

Heading Into 2021

 "In every heart there is a room, a sanctuary safe and strong, to heal the wounds from year just past, until a new one comes along." -- adapt. from Billy Joel, "And So it Goes"

I don't know why this song makes me think of this year and its ending, but so it goes... This has been the strangest, hardest year for most of us in this world. I have been focusing my thoughts on the new and good from 2020, and here's what I came up with for me:

  • I read more books this year than in any year since college -- 65! 
  • I did tons of puzzles.
  • I spent a bunch of quality time with my daughter and son-in-law. It just so happens that I moved in with them 2 days before the big shutdown in March. We took lots of walks, sat outside, (Ok, I sat and watched while they built a fence, built a pergola, planted a garden, and laid a walkway, but we were outside together.) watched a bunch of movies together, and went on our trip to the mountains.
  • I visited my parents and just hung out.
  • I might not have gotten to take my usual big summer trip, but I visited several new places on some shorter jaunts and really enjoyed myself.
  • I got Just Be's website going stronger.
  • I delivered an unbelievable number of packages to Just Be's great family of customers. 
  • I spent a greater amount of time in prayer than in recent years and a greater amount of time delving into the Word on my own, as well as under the direction of my pastor.
  • I learned that there are so many new ways to teach, some I which I may not be crazy about, some of which I love, all of which have come in handy this year.
God has taught so many lessons this year, not the least of which is that He is in control. We may think or hope we've got this thing called life, but it's ALL in His hands. I, for one, am glad of that. Just knowing that I can shut my eyes at night with the full knowledge that He in charge of everything gives me peace. When Shel Silverstein's "What Ifs" crawl inside my ear, I just turn my heart to Him and receive the peace that passes understanding. This year has taught me that more than any with the exception of 2007. I trust that He is working things out in me and around me and through me. I will not fear plagues, civil unrest, political issues, poverty, homelessness; I would fear a life without Him, and thankfully that is not a fear I have to deal with. My prayer is that friends and family who do have that fear (whether they know it or not) would come to know and trust Him as a result of the events of 2020.

Heading into 2021

I do not know what 2021 will bring. I do know that God will still be in control. I will continue to live for Him, to trust Him, to praise Him. I will do my best to live a life that will lead others to Him. 

To end with a quote from my favorite, Anne, "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it...yet."