Saturday, July 28, 2018

A Whale of a Day

“Is it not curious, that so vast a being as the whale should see the world through so small an eye, and hear the thunder through an ear which is smaller than a hare's?" -- Herman Melville

One of the coolest things to do on a trip to Boston is to go on a whale watching cruise. I have some "Things to Remember" to help you along if you decide to go.

  1. Bring a sweatshirt, no matter how the actual temperature may be. It gets cold out on the water especially with the speed of the boat. I had a lightweight jacket and still got cold enough that I had to go inside for a while. The temperature when we left Long Wharf in Boston was about 78 degrees.
  2. If you have kids with you (and this is definitely a kid-friendly activity), bring along some books and travel games. The cabin has several booth-type seating areas perfect for families. Snag one of those booths as soon as you board. This a perfect spot for snacking, playing games, and reading/coloring/drawing. It takes over an hour to get to the whale beds, and you know how bored kids get. I loved just watching the waters, but kids need more stimulus.
  3. Bring some snacks. They are sold onboard, but it would be much cheaper to have your own. 
  4. Your voucher, which you show at the wharf, will state that you need to check in an hour before your cruise. We did not find that to be so. We rushed down to the wharf that morning only to be told that we needed to check in about 15 minutes before our departure time. Plan accordingly.
  5. There is a Boston Marriott located at the wharf. This is a perfect place for a final bathroom stop. The bathrooms are located on the outside of the hotel, right behind Starbucks. Of course the boat is bathroom-equipped, it just made sense to make this stop first.
  6. Enjoy the experience to the fullest extent. Once you arrive at the whale feeding-grounds, the staff onboard goes into action. They did a great job of pointing out possible/probable whale "footprints" and then turning the boat so that the maximum number of viewers could see. (The whale watching cruise comes with a lifetime guarantee that you will see whales or be able to ride again with no time expiration.) I did not have any trouble viewing several of these gorgeous God-created ocean mammals. It was an experience beyond awesome!!!
  7. On the return trip, the staff did a great job of educating the passengers about what was seen. Young aquarium interns moved around with pictures and whale artifacts that passengers, including children, could see and even hold!  How amazing is that!
I hope that this list helps in the planning of your trip and your ultimate enjoyment of whale watching in Boston. Below the accompanying pictures is a link to the cruise line. 🐳

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