Monday, January 20, 2020

Looking About Lexington

“I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful or exciting happens but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string.” -- Anne in Anne of Avonlea  

This weekend I enjoyed one of Anne's sweet days. A friend and I made the short drive from Greensboro to Lexington. We had almost no agenda, just a desire to enjoy the town, the day, and each other's company. Sometimes it's nice just to go far enough away for a change of scenery. We ended up getting more than just a change of scenery; we were treated to a splendid day full of simple little pleasures.

The drive was pleasant. I, as usual, stuck to non-interstate roads. The trip took about 45 minutes, just long enough to have several pleasant conversations but not get tired of the car. We went first to my favorite Lexington destination, The Candy Factory! I try to get to this awesome candy shop at least 2 or 3 times a year.

The store is FULL of all types of candy. They have vintage candy; fresh, by-the-pound chocolate; baskets of scoop-able hard candy; and several kinds of unique candies. There's one kind of candy that I purchase every time I go. These are Tootsie-roll type candy which are made in the shape of a little person. I love to get them because I first heard of them in a favorite book, All of a Kind Family, by Sydney Taylor. Yes, I even have food-book connections! The Candy Factory is one of the only places in the United States where you can still get this candy.

Another favorite part of The Candy Factory is the back room. Here they have antique books, games, kitchen utensils, and several other items. I love this part of the store. I have purchased several old books and games here which give me much pleasure.

After the candy store, we walked down Main Street to Ace Hardware. It is not your average hardware store but is filled with so many other interesting items. I like to go to get cookie supplies and was not disappointed on this trip. I was able to find a certain decorating tip which I need. We spent a relaxing 45 minutes wandering the aisles of the store just enjoying the varied inventory.

Our next stop was Main Street Antiques which was a fun place to browse in. I found an old cookbook and a Snip, Snap, Snur book. (For those of you unfamiliar with these books, they are about 3 Swedish triplet boys, printed in the US beginning in the 1930's. There is also a female set about Flicka, Ricka, and Dicka. I am always on the lookout for these books.) At this point I had made a purchase at every store we went in but had only spent $20.

We made our way back down Main Street and were drawn in to a store because of some Dr. Seuss books we could see through the large front window. The books ended up being the personal property of the store owner, but they did the trick and got us in. My friend really liked this store. It was a children's consignment shop, and was probably the best I have ever seen. The large front room had clothing and baby items and a smaller back room was full of books, toys, games, and puzzles. The store was EXTREMELY neat and well- organized. I highly recommend a visit to this shop if you have children and are anywhere near Lexington. The name of the store is Encore Kids Consignment.

By this time in our day, we were hungry. Lexington is best known for its bar-b-q of course. We took the recommendation of the clerk in the antique store and headed for Bar-B-Q Center. She told us it was the best in Lexington. I personally am not a huge fan of North Carolina bar-b-q, being a Mississippi girl. (I apologize to all the die-hard North Carolinians; it's nothing personal.) My friend ordered a combination bar-b-q plate and was VERY satisfied. I got a cheeseburger and sweet potato fries and was not disappointed, especially in the price -- only $6. The restaurant was very down-home and comfortable. My friend and I were able to take our time, enjoying our food and talking. We did not feel rushed at all, even though there was a constant flow of people in and out.

After filling our stomachs, we had one more stop to make in Lexington. We headed to the Bob Timberlake Gallery. This was a pleasant surprise for me. I was not familiar with his work and wasn't sure I would care for it. I really liked most of it. The gallery is set up like the inside of a lodge, with a huge working fireplace in the center. It had a warm and welcoming feel. There are pieces of art along the walls, along with furniture and assorted other pieces placed around through the gallery. I of course cannot afford any of the art but saw some I would like to own if I had the money.

After visiting the gallery, we headed back to Greensboro with a stop in High Point for cheap gas! All-in-all it was a fantastic day of conversation, food, and fun. I completely enjoyed myself and would recommend a day in Lexington to anyone close enough to go there for the day. Below are some links to some of the places we went.

The Candy Factory

Encore Kids Consignment

Bar-B-Q Center

Bob Timberlake Gallery

1 comment:

  1. Exactly like your opening quote! Thank you for a super day. It was a balm to my soul.
